Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís

Complejo residencial junto a la montaña y con vistas a la costa, Benahavís, Benahavis - Residential complex next to the mountain and overlooking the coast in Benahavís

This development is integrated into an idyllic natural environment next to the mountain surrounded by well-tended gardens and pool area. All the apartments are oriented to the south or to the southwest taking full advantage of the light and offering beautiful views. The design of the apartments is enhanced by the open spaces, the imposing glass doors that reach the roof and the rails of the same material. Common gardens include swimming pools for adults and children and a wide range of areas to enjoy the sun or shade. The apartments on the ground floor have access to the gardens creating the feeling of living in a villa. All the construction details underline the commitment with the environment and a high level of BREEAM certification (it is the most advanced method to evaluate and certify the sustainability of buildings, a world leader with more than 20 years in the market). All apartments have a garage and private storage room.

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for this in Real de La Quinta, Benahavis

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